Miracle! I have begun a sport that my in-laws would have at the best called a selfish pursuit and yet shamelessly and without any guilt, I still carry it on. The operation is still under cover.
Today I meet two more ladies. One talks of losing 15 kilograms under the same instructor - Dharam.
"But I looked deathly pale, then. So I allowed the gain back of 5+ kilos," she said. She had 'dieted' unreasonably, she said.
So that must have been it! Any crash and aggressive diet changes are unsustainable and end up being discarded.
I have decided that I am not making any changes in my diet. My diet is not nutritious but is not loaded with oils and fries either. I am not addicted to colas or sweets. So, thanks but no thanks, no Dr. Atkins for me.
I do a repeat of yesterday's exercises. Today light, pink colored dumb-bells join my regimen as I am given weight training. Also, a machine that has me pushing wights laden on a sidebar, that I end up pushing as I push the chest level cushioned handle makes me slog and I feel my abdominals stretching and straining.
That's what I need. That's what I want. My problem areas are the abs. All my 71 kilos seem to be accumulated there.
Tomorrow is Sunday and a holiday.
I request that the gym be opened for me.
Declined. More shocks. The owner seems to have let out the place and soon the new tenant shopkeepers will push all the equipments to a corner. Man, my ill-luck on the gym front refuses to let up.
Tomorrow's another day, though, like Scarlett Hara would have said.
So folks, watch this space.
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